Sorry for leaving the blog dead for 2 weeks =)
It has been 8 weeks since we started CF this semester. Have you enjoyed much of it? or does it burden you?
I hope it's the good one..
We have done so many things since first week. Last 2 week we talk about the mouth and last week we had Timothy Lim and his team to come to kampar to share his testimony.
Have you guys and girls learn a lot? I hope you do..
CF has been establish since 2 years ago on January and it has grown until now. All praise to God.
Well, now we have a sum of people coming regularly compared to last time (10 people?). Number do increase now. Quantity is there. How about the quality of every member? Are we walking towards His direction? His road? His way?
Every program that we set is based on the vision of being light of the world so that people know that God is real and God is working in us. Let me recap a bit from first week. =)
1st week = Slight intro on CF and our vision (remember the vision.)
2nd week = Grand Kampar Hotel (remember i said this "To change UTAR is to change yourself")
3rd week = Movie Night (Facing the Giants. Have you faced it? Have you overcome it?)
4th week = Bible Study (Why am I here? Have you find your purpose being here?)
5th week = Devotional Talk (Remember what Cheng Yee shared? Have you found time to spend with Him?)
6th week = Bible study (The Mouth - Are we using our words / tongue / mouth wisely? Mouth is just a tool..
Is your heart with you all the time?)
7th week = This Road (How's your road? Is it broken? Winding? Have you asked God to lead you?)
It's been hard for us to get the message out. But what's more important is the heart. I've been reminding myself to uphold everything to God.. Then He teaches me one more thing, to do everything with your heart.. Without heart, everything we do is heartless..
Prayer walk, morning prayer.. Come with a heart and believe that when we come with a heart it brings changes to UTAR (Change yourself to change ?) Always believe. Heart is deceitful above all things, no one can understand but He Himself understand. Come with a heart and do with it no matter how hard it seems. Give it a try =)
I'm trying my best to do everything with my heart. Some times when i don feel like doing it, i do tell myself that i must do it and do it with a heart. And I believe, by doing this, you are able to change yourself in see in different perspective.
Do you want to change UTAR?
If you do, Do you believe that it can be changed?
You might not see the harvest in your Uni time, but will you still work towards it?
Is your heart with every action you made?
Do you want to have a heart in every action you do?
Comment and say YES YES YES! If it is a yes.. xD wooo, im doing survey..haha..kidding (out of context)
If yes, let's get prepared for His way to come upon us to lead us with a heart of serving, a heart of loving, a heart of caring, a heart to change and most of all a heart that He loves it to be. Heart like Jesus, His Son.
If no...... ahhhh..... Make it a yes then! =D hope no no.. hehe
It's a heart... hehe.. Don't be confused! Let's do it with
a willing heart.
God Bless =)