[2 timothy 2:2]

[2 timothy 2:2]

Saturday, December 31, 2011


Eccelesiastes 3:15
‘Whatever has already been, and what will be has been before; and God will call the past to account.
It’s the end of the year, and for most of us its very likely that we turn with eagerness to all that God has for the future, and yet anxiety is apt to arise when we remember our yesterdays. Our present enjoyment of God’s grace tends to be lessened by the memory of yesterday’s flaws and blunders. But God is a God of yesterdays, and He allows the memory of them to turn the past into a ministry of spiritual growth for our future. God reminds us of the past to protect us from a very shallow security in the present.

‘The Lord will go before you.’ A very gracious revelation- that God will send His forces out where we have failed to do so. He will keep watched so that we will not trip again by the same failures, as would undoubtedly happen if He were not our ‘rear guard.’ God’s hand reaches back to the past, settling all claims against our conscience.

Isaiah 52:12
‘But you will not leave in haste, or go in flight; for the Lord will go before you, the God of Israel will be your rear guard.’
So as we go forth into the coming year, let it not be in the haste of impetuous, forgetful delight, nor with the quickness of impulsive thoughtlessness. But let us go with the patient power of knowing that the God of Israel will go before us. Our yesterdays hold broken and irreversible things for us. No doubt we have lost opportunities that will never return, but God, God can transform these anxiety into constructive thoughtfulness for the future.

Let the past rest, but let it rest in the sweet embrace of Christ.
Leave the broken, irreversible past in His hands, and step out into the invincible future with Him.

Have a blessed New Year my friends =) Romans 15:13 ‘May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.’

Love, Carmen Lai

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Utar CF Captain Ball '11

When I was asked to write something about our UTAR CF’s Captain’s Ball Competition, I thought: “What else is there for me to say?”
It was in November 2010 when, for the first time ever, we organized a Captain’s Ball Competition, open to the public. There were 7 teams and 56 players in total.
We had an even bigger one in March 2011, at our very own UTAR Sports Complex. There were 8 teams and 80 participants this time.
Our most recent competition had about 90 participants.

Having always received positive feedback, advertising for this event is very easy – almost unnecessary even. It has become a signature event of the UTAR CF that is highly anticipated!
This is not just because of the fact that every generation of organizers thus far have taken every step to ensure that the event is run smoothly, and that every decision made is to maximize the experience of participants, but, I think, mainly because of the spirit of the event.

We pray hard every time we have this event coming up, because we know that no matter how we plan, the factor that will be the most important to make the event a success is the spirit that participants have.
It is a great joy to have organized this event and so many smiling faces come together and play. I see a lot of teamwork and a lot of happiness. I see people celebrating the chance to pursue something together and I see a lot of new bonds formed that will last. I see a lot of fond memories made.
I see a lot of people losing matches, but winning hearts. And I see very gracious winners.  There’s humour and friendly banter all around!

  Sometimes they pretend to be sad when they lose :P
To sum it up, the UTAR CF Captain Ball Competition has always had a great spirit – not lacking in intensity of competitiveness, but always knowing where to draw the line and remember the big picture.
This is a big statement about the general attitude of the participants, be they the CF-ers or friends who come in just for the match.
It is a great pleasure to organize the event for such people. Long may it continue!

Blessings in Christ, 
Ngee Derk 
UTAR CF Captain’s Ball Nov ’10, March ‘11

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas Production 2011

CF Christmas Night has ended 3 weeks ago, now we dig into 3 different perspectives toward this evangelistic meeting. Here we go, 

Ryan Ong,

1)      Hi, little magi! We know you’re one of the casts in the drama. Can you describe how does it feel to be a Russian magi?

yo yo! how i felt as the Russian.. well definitely not very russian LOL! but yeah it was a great experience as the Russian magi.. Especially the costume that i wore...

2)      We have been preparing this event since last semester, all added up would be half a year. What did you learn in process?

What have i learn.. Hmmm i think it would be teamwork, determination and surrendering to the Lord..

3)      What made you so memorable that you did not wish the event to end?

What was so memorable that i did not wanted the event to end huh?.. i think its the fellowship among members and also getting to know someone better. At first i was blur and shy (yeah right).. But as time passes, i get more intimate with the rest.. like derk (tall magi), calvin (chubby magi) and also the others.. i also enjoy see-ing non believers attending this event... it was spectacular, definitely..

4)      What were the God’s workings that you witnessed in the midst of event?

What have i witnessed?? The most tremendous work from the LORD is the the strength and supply that the LORD has provided for each and one of the members.. Yes there were up and down but we get to overcome every obstacle.. Not by our strength BUT from the LORD almighty...

5)      What do you anticipate in the upcoming CF activities?

I'm looking forward to more CF activities that allow both non-believers and believers to learn more about the LORD and also have fun together.. i also want to see everyone grow stronger and bigger for the LORD.. I guess that’s all! GOD bless all of you 

Steven Teh,

1)      Hey Steven, its Christmas and what does it mean to you personally?

Yeah, Christmas! Reminds me that it has once again come to the time of the year that i'm about to get a year older and get a good relax after another year working on myself. There isn't anything special about Christmas in the past rather than just celebration. I still remember when i was a kid i used to anticipate Christmas so that i could ask mummy to take out the Christmas tree and we can start decorating it. We all know Christmas was the birth of Jesus Christ, but we took the celebration more like a holiday season. But this Christmas, ever after i felt so devoted into this work of spreading the true meaning of Christmas thru the Joy To The World event, i felt so passionate about celebrating Christmas as the birth of Christ rather than enjoying it as a holiday season, truly it meant a lot to me personally as this particular day marks a day of hope for me to be saved!

2)      What triggered you to go for choir audition and be a part in it?

I joined CF for only a semester plus approximately, and during that time i found myself having a very strong urge to participate in the CF of all sudden. After attending a few CF meetings, i was given an opportunity to back up the worship leader on one of the CF meeting; and i am so thrilled! Going around churches and watching videos of worship leaders taking the crowd into the flooding presence of God is one of the greatest thing i wanted to do, and here's a first step! As a first timer, i did not expect much and i was glad that it all went well with only minor errors; to surprise i was approached by Ada and Carmen about joining the Choir team for the coming Joy To The World event. I had no experience singing in any choirs before, but somehow i felt that somehow singing may be my calling to serve God and so i give my try. In short, i believe it is God's calling and by God's will, because after a few practices Roy told me that he was about to ask me to join the drama team but i was already picked up in the choir team. Really amazingly God's work. =]

3)       As we all know, some of your choir team is their 1st time singing in such a big crowd. How did you guys encourage one another?

As we all know, some of your choir team is their 1st time singing in such a big crowd. How did you guys encourage one another? As i mentioned, i'm one of the first timer too! :D I believe we all are well built having faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, although some of our members did have a little anxiety to sing louder, but along the way with more gaining more confidence singing the lyrics and getting used to it, everyone was able to sing well on the day of the event itself. As for me, i just do my best in my parts and hope they would sing their hearts out like i do! At the same time, we are also helping each other by going over and over again on mistakes to get the best corrections.

4)      During those few hours inside the hall on the Christmas night itself, what did you observe?

Joy! Whether it's our own crew or it's the crowd or anyone else, everyone is filled with a joyful smile on their face! It was a day full of anticipation by the crew and with such big crowd of audiences i believe all the crews are superbly thrilled! These observations need no explanation or proof, just ask around any other crews and i believe they perceived the same too. Although being part of the choir team we are unable to get a full view of the event from the audience seat, still we see the audiences enjoying the whole event enthusiastically and that makes us felt even more appreciated of our hard work.

5)      How does this event build your relationship with God?

It changed me. Because of this event, i will start to celebrate my Christmas differently. My Christmas from this year onwards will not be concentrating on decorating Christmas trees or hanging out with friends at the coolest place, but the main focus will be thanking God our Father for this wonderful gift of Christ to save us! This i must say, had thoroughly rebuild my faith with God once again to get closer to him and appreciative in every single way more towards this gift that He had for us. Remember always, it's Christmas, not Xmas!
Rosemary Xavier,

1)      Rosemary, can tell us about your job in the Christmas event? You looked busy though weren’t in the cast team.

For the Joy to the World Christmas Night, my job was Logistic and Security Manager. Yes, I was very busy throughout the preparation especially one week before the event and also during the event. Under my logistic department, we had to deal with transportation, refreshment, preparation of props, briefing of ushers, security of participants inside the hall and outside the hall, changing room and VIP room preparation. It was a little rushing though as we had lack of man power right before the event. Anyhow, I managed to find people and settled the job. On the other hand, we had alter call and reply form where my ushers distributed to the audience. Somehow, the alter call wasn't too good as there were too many people and a proper way hadn't been found. Despite of all this, we saw lots of good things happening where the hall and outside the hall, the crowds were overpouring... Many hearts were touched by our great musical drama, dance and choir. All glory goes to God.

One thing that I realize is that in spite of all the busyness, peace and joy filled my heart throughout the event.

2)       How do you celebrate Christmas normally back at home?

I celebrate Christmas with my family, relatives and friends back in hometown. Usually we would go to church and then have gathering and open house. We as one family share the love with one another as we all, family, relatives and friends don't often meet. So, we would grab this chance to come together and share God's love and joy.

3)      How do you evaluate our Christmas event so far?

I would give an excellent rating overall. Everyone of us did a great job in making this event awesome. We all used our different talents that God gave us to make this event a successful one.Even now after the event, its not the end as follow ups are being done by all of us, lead by our chairperson of this event. All the committees and existing CF members are given a few names to do the follow up and invite those who accepted Christ and also those who attended that night for our upcoming CF activities throughout the coming years. So, this is just the beginning of our journey.

4)      What God has taught you during this whole long-some event?

From this event, God had taught me lots of lessons. Firstly, I have learnt to be a tolerant person. It was not easy to instruct people to do something .But throughout the preparation, 1 thing I realize was to deal with people or to tell them to do something with respect and love. By this way, everyone will be willing to help and no misunderstandings that will occur amomg committees, helpers and ushers. Unity was one of the main thing that was obvious throughout the event. Other than that, God taught me a lesson to humble down myself throughout the event. No matter how much of work is given to me, I thank God that He helped me to go through great challenges smoothly and somehow do it without complaining. 

5)      Can you give us a few tips for any potential logistic manager out there?

Everyone have got the potential to become a logistic manager. Different people have got different styles, ways and talents to deal with different things. One advice for a potential logistic manager from me is not to give up no matter what comes your way. Even if it is a heavy job as a logistic manager, there is nothing that is more fun than this job. After all the struggles, at the end of the day when everything turns out to be successful, the one who will be crying with JOY is YOU, POTENTIAL LOGISTIC MANAGERS! :D

After all, i must admit that it's not an easy job to make this event possible. By God's grace, we endured it and i believe everyone have their own lessons learned. In between we may discovered others' strength, talents and as well weaknesses. Accept who they truly are like how God embraces us with His love. Above 3 people have already expressed their views, lemme end with a verse, Phillippians 1:6 [And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.] Way to go brothers and sisters *cheers!


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Quiet Time

Throughout the Christmas camp and fundraising, I was so busy and lacked quiet time. . .
Solomon, a man of great wisdom (1 Kings: 12, 2 Chron 1: 12) said that one of the ways to “understand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God” (Prov 2:2) is to “incline thine ear unto wisdom”.

Peter Masters says concerning this “We become casual and poor listeners whenever we try to focus on several things at once. To incline the ear is to give careful and undivided attention to one thing only. . .  In this age many influences pressurise us. ‘Come with us!’ says a godless world, ‘Come and join us.’ A whole flurry of voices clamour for attention, and in the midst of them is the voice of God in the Bible. But how shall we ever hear this clearly, or believe it, while our attention is drawn to other things? We will not grasp its message or its urgency while our minds are infatuated with the things of this life, such as the pursuit of ambitions and possessions, and so on. . . We will never find the Lord if we listen to Him just once a week, and throughout the rest of it we give our attention to the attractions and temptations of a godless life”

David Martyn Lloyd Jones, said to be the greatest preacher of the 2oth century puts it very bluntly and soul-searchingly when he says “
We are meant to grow in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord. We are meant to be pressing forward towards the mark - forgetting what we’ve got, desiring this. He’s holding it out before us: that I may know him and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his suffering.
It’s a terrible thing, but the trouble with us is that our lives are not centred on Him, they’re not dominated by him. We say ‘Ah yes we are working for him’ and then we leave him alone and we go on and on in our little activities. We ask his blessing upon what we are doing, but oh how often do we seek Him himself? God and the Lord Jesus Christ and the presence of the Spirit in our lives – that’s true Christianity.”

The great evangelist, George Whitefield, who was mightily used by God to spark the 18th century revival took great delight in the law of the Lord, that it should make us ask ourselves “Do I enjoy and seek quiet time with God?” Whitefield after his conversion, in his diary wrote “My mind being now more open and enlarged, I began to read the Holy Scriptures upon my knees, laying aside all other books and praying over, if possible, every line and word. This proved meat indeed and drink indeed to my soul. I daily received fresh life, light and power from above. I got more true knowledge from reading the Book of God in one moth than I could ever have acquired from all the writings of men.” He says about prayer “How often have I been carried out beyond myself when sweetly meditating in the fields! How assuredly have I felt that Christ dwelt in me and I in Him! And how did I daily walk in the comforts of the Holy Ghost and was edified and refused in the multitude of peace!”

If we don’t incline our ear unto wisdom by keeping our quiet time, reading our Bible and praying daily, how can we understand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God? Whitefield laid aside all books and left only the Holy Scriptures before himself.
To conclude, be diligent in our quiet time, hoping that someday we can sing honestly with Charles Wesley “Jesus, my all in all Thou art.”

But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.”(Hebrews 11:6)
But remember “12 Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; 13 for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.” (Philippians 2:12-13)


Saturday, October 8, 2011

Available Christians

When we say Christians In Action, many of us will have the thought that we should equip ourselves fully before we can be in action. A simple example like when we want to share to our friends about God, we feel that we do not know the bible enough to be ‘qualified’ to do so. We are afraid that we might do or say the wrong things. How many do not dare to take up leadership roles because we feel we are not ‘qualified’? We feel that we have so much more to learn and that we should know more and experience more before we take up the role.

 I believe it is not wrong that we want to have the best skills, knowledge and all before we are in action. However we should not limit ourselves and not dare to move out of our comfort zones. Think about Moses, God told him the great many things He was going to do and what Moses should do.

Exodus 4: (NLT)
Then Moses said to the LORD, “O my Lord, I am not an eloquent man, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant, for I am slow of speech and slow of tongue.”
The LORD said to him, “Who gave a mouth to man, or who makes a person mute or deaf, seeing or blind? Is it not I, the LORD?
So go now, and I will be your mouth and I will teach you what you must say.

Moses was very unsure of himself and not confident but when he allowed himself to be used God could do his work through him. Sometimes we do not need to think so hard. We do not need to plan out everything we want to do or say when we share or anything else. Even simple sharing in CG. I remember I used to not speak up because I was afraid I might give the wrong answer or that people may not like it. Before my turn comes I will plan out everything I want to say in proper ‘canggih-ish’ sentences.

God is looking for people who are willing to go the distance and available. There are many Christians. Yes. But there are not many AVAILABLE Christians. Many Christians are Christians during their own convenience. If we are busy we do not do this or that because we are busy. Wait till we are free then yes we can do it. It should not be like that. We should always be available. It’s like in one phone ring we have to answer, pack our bags and ready to leave. God will all us to do things. But He will never put us in a situation we cannot handle. He will not harm us beyond repair. He will be there every step of the way even if it doesn’t feel like it.

Let us remember that we are not living for now. We are not living for this world. We are living for eternity. Our rewards are all in heaven. Always remind ourselves that everything we have all the skills, talents, etc are all from God. He can take it back anytime he wants to.

We can never imagine what we can learn from even the daily things. I remember the first time I heard of the word Tsunami. That was in year 2003 which was before the incident in 2004. It was at youth camp where the group names were names of natural disasters and my group was named Tsunami. We had no idea what it was except that it was some Japanese name. so we rhymed our group cheer with all the wasabi and Japanese words that we knew. Suddenly the following year Tsunami hit Penang and it wasn’t a new unknown word to me.

I know it is not really related and has no proper ending, but it just shows how God’s plan is always beyond out imagination.

CIAs, let us not limit ourselves and start leaning and allowing change. Once in a while take a peak into your past and you will see how much you have grown. We should not be afraid to step out and be bold but we should not be at the other extreme that we do too much until we forget ourselves. We will never know everything. It is not humanly possible. Always be ready to learn and willing to change. Think about a doctor, he may be the best student but he will never know what it is really like until he starts practicing. A teacher will never learn how to handle a class until he really does so. A soldier can get all the brutal training but he will never know the real experience in the battlefield until he goes there. 

Let us be available and ready to serve no matter when. Do not be afraid for the Lord is with us always. We have the staff of God in our hands. Take a bold step and tell God that you are available and that you are His. Be cautious. Remember and mean what you promise God as this can be considered a dangerous prayer.


Friday, October 7, 2011

Never Alone

Be sure of this: 'I am with you always, even till the end of the age.'
Matthew 28:20

Hello everyone. 

I'm not sure if any of you have heard about Dr. David Livingstone, a world-renowned explorer and missionary to central Africa. In his 16 years of sharing the gospel across central Africa, he had earned the respect of many of the African people, but he had also suffered some thirsty bouts of burning fever, untold attacks by savages, and a left arm crushed by the jaws of a lion. Dr. Livingstone once wrote that he 'felt much turmoil of the spirit' because of the new threats in his life, even by the people of the region he loved so dearly. Still, his dedicated missionary continued the work for almost two more decades until his death. It was written in his journal what gave him that courage, wasn't his own determination; it was God's promise. And for David Livingstone, knowing he was not alone in this world, made all the difference.

As many of you know, back in April-May, I went for a holiday to the United Kingdom and visited a few countries in the Europe. Those were just wonderful wonderful times and I thank God for making it possible. It was always my dream to visit the UK and my mum made it possible for me by sacrificing her own holiday to give me one that I have long desired. My mum works as a stock broker and its not easy to take a day off so this trip was planned with my cousin. However due to work commitments, my cousin had to forgo the trip and off I was on my own visiting the white land for the very first time.

As excited as I can be, I was still scared and skeptical at the beginning. Travelling on my own meant I needed to be extra cautious and extra alert. Just the thought of that sent shivers down my spine. I was scared. What if I lose my passport along the way, what if I needed to go to the toilet and there was no one to take care of my luggage, so many what if kept popping up in my head. Then it was time for me to leave, my mum wasn't there to send me off at KLIA. She only managed to call me minutes before I boarded the plane and told me,
'Do not be afraid baby, enjoy your trip, it was one you have always long for, enjoy yourself to the fullest. Most importantly, remember you are not alone on this trip, God is with you all the way.'

And now, as I'm sitting here thinking about what my mum told me, just the thought of it is so comforting. God is with me all the way, what is there for me to fear. And even in His word, it says, I am with you always, even till the end of the age. If I lost my passport, God will make it possible for me to relocate it. If I needed to attend to nature's call, God will send a samaritan to look after my luggage. And so, with just those assuring words my mum placed in my ear, and God's words pinned to my heart, even though I went for the trip alone, I never for a moment felt alone. God was with me all the way. And He is still with me now. And will always be with me. He will never leave me nor forsake me!

So, friends, I want to encourage you to not feel alone, even if at times, people around you forsakes you, God never will. Our God is a God of love and He just wants to gives us all the love He can. In the midst of a multitude we maybe just like a grain of sand in the seashore, we maybe just another person, another number. But God knows us. He knows us by name and we are special to Him. He loves us so dearly that He will always be with us, till the end of the age.

Love, Carmen Lai

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Few days back as I was doing my daily devotion, I came across the book of Titus. It is a very simple book talking about the letter apostle Paul wrote to Titus. As i was reading, there were 2 verses that particularly caught my attention and i felt that God was speaking to me through this verse. Titus 1:15-16 says " To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure. In fact, both their minds and consciences are corrupted. They claim to know God, but their actions they deny him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good."

Somehow i felt that God was telling me that even though I say i love him, even though i say i will follow Him, still my actions, the way i live my life denies God. I realise that it doesn’t have to be the typical conventional sins like stealing or killing. To not live a Godly life can be referred to the many small things which seem almost mundane like not being a caring friend, coming late for class, or even talking nonsense which I always do. “Avoid godless chatter, because those who indulge in it will become more and more ungodly.” (2 Timothy 2:16)

Our theme is Christian In Action, which I believe is to live a life that helps build God’s kingdom, a forward progression. Sometimes when I see my friends in need at a particular moment, I find myself lacking in my spiritual life, resulting in me being unable to help them. I will think this way, If I myself am not right before God, who am I to help that guy/girl? As a result, I become ineffective. I believe this is the case for many Christians that are currently not in action.

Many times I find myself stuck, unable to be an effectively progressing Christian. In the verse Titus 1:16 it was mention about being unfit for doing anything good. Are we stuck? Are we coped up in trying to have fun or maybe to expand our circle of influence? Let us all do a self-reflection, what have we done for God that we can say we are obedient children. Where are our priorities? Are other things the centre and God being around it?

It is understandable that at that particular divine moment we feel all holy and we tell God, oh God I will follow you and take up the cross! But after this holy moment is over we go back to do the same thing. Did we mean it when we say we’ll follow God? I’m sure we did. So was it fake? I’m pretty sure it wasn’t. To be in action for Christ is to pick up the cross daily. We might succeed that day when we made that decision, but we must keep making that decision every single day because if we do not people looking from a far will observe and say that those Christians are a bunch of hypocrites.
I often appreciate friends that try their best to rebuke me of my wrongs and to encourage me to find back my purpose of being a Christian and to remind me that my salvation was through someone’s sacrifice. Let us all learn to be teachable people, and accept rebuke. Friends rebuke one another only out of love. How can Christians grow together in maturity if when one does something wrong, the other just pretends he did not see it? Are we too afraid to hurt our friends? Let us all learn to be humble and teachable not being afraid of what the other might think of the rebuke. Lastly, let us all make a decision to be serious for God day by day, every morning =)

No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize. (1 Corinthians 9:27)

Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him." (John 14:21)


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Unity in Christ

Romans 14
i read this few days ago.
14:1 Accept the one whose faith is weak, without quarreling over disputable matters.

Many times we fall and fail, but every times after these. We are getting stronger and stronger.
Everyone of us grown up in a different background. 
"Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?"
"No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us."

With our difference, our world, our earth, our land become so interesting and colorful. And its's so challenging!
No one is perfect, we will failed sometimes. 
Just like playing game,
for example: 
AngryBirds, someone need to fail many times and use a lot of time then just can finished the game. 
Cut The Rope, someone need to fail many times and use a lot of time then just can finished the game too.
But for someone la, some, they can't finished their game. 

14:4 Who are you to judge someone else's servant? To their own master, servants stand or fall. And they will stand, for the Lord is able to make them stand
Let's not to judge but we support.
We should encourage those who are weak, we should teach them play AngryBirds or Cut The Rope if they don't know.

Same in our life, we accept each another, we encourage each another, we help each another. Let's walk through all these side by side.
14:7 For none of us lives for ourselves alone, none of us dies for ourselves alone.
14:8 If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord

Let's work together side by side, with Love, with Prayer, with Action! For our Lord!
We will grow stronger and stronger to glorify God!
We are the army of God!

With song dedicated - With All I Am

With Love

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Love and Grief‏

Hello everyone.

I really do not have any idea about what to write here right now. So I decided to share with you about what happened to my family during the sem break.

On the 27th of September, we received a shocking news. My father's father passed away. It was my grandma who told my dad about the news. Personally, I do not know how to react to that news. We then packed and set off to my grandparents' place in Kuala Lumpur. 

My father was so cool about it and so were my uncles and aunties when we reached there. They were chattering with each other, updating each other about the preparations for the funeral. See, my grandpa was sick for a very long time. His children have to spend a lot for his medical treatment and for a maid to help clean and care for him and my grandma. So, an outsider might think that they are relieved of the financial burden and no bother about his passing. A funeral might be the last thing to send him off this earth. I'm here to tell you that they were wrong.

As soon as my grandpa's body was brought to them, my youngest aunt asked him to wake up. She broke down, asking him to come back. My father and the rest of his siblings started to shiver. They can no longer hold back their tears. Their father have left them and went to heaven. To tell you the truth, that was the first time I saw my father cry. My father, the eldest of the five siblings, the pillar of strength of my family, cried. My father, my uncles and aunties loved this man, their caregiver, their discipline 'teacher', their father. Love and grief is what best explain this situation.

Those who watched Jesus weep at the tomb of His dear friend Lazarus also witnessed a connection between grief and love. After Jesus arrived at the place where Lazarus was buried, He ''wept''. (John 11:35) He was deeply grieved even though He knew He would raise His close friend from the dead just a few minutes later (v.43-44). The people watching Jesus in the throes of grief said to each other,"See how much He loved him!" (v.36)

In the throes of our own loss, grief is an expression of the love we have for another person. To put it another way, only those who first love can ever truly grieve. This is a bittersweet truth that we sometimes forget.

Thankfully, as believers in Jesus, we don't grieve like people who have no hope (1 Thessalonians 4:13). In light of Jesus' death and resurrection, we do grieve, but with hope of one day being united with those we loved so dearly (v. 14).

Yes, my grandpa is in heaven, no more pain, no more suffering. Thank you God for loving him so much too! We're looking forward to meeting him there! 



Monday, October 3, 2011

The Gift

David Morse - American missionary to India - became great friends there with the pearl-diver, Rambhau. Many an evening he spent in Rambhau's cabin reading to him from the Bible, and explaining to him God's way of salvation.

Rambhau enjoyed listening to the Word of God, but whenever the missionary tried to get Rambhau to accept Christ as his Savior - he would shake his head and reply, "Your Christian way to heaven is too easy for me! I cannot accept it. If ever I should find admittance to heaven in that manner - I would feel like a pauper there...like a beggar who has been let in out of pity. I may be proud - but I want to deserve, I want to earn my place in heaven -- and so I am going to work for it."

Nothing the missionary could say seemed to have any effect on Rambhau's decision, and so quite a few years slipped by. One evening, however, the missionary heard a knock on his door, and on going to open it he found Rambhau there.

"Come in, dear friend," said Morse.

"No," said the pearl-diver. "I want you to come with me to my house, Sahib, for a short time -- I have something to show you. Please do not say 'No'."

"Of course I'll come," replied the missionary. As they neared his house, Rambhau said: "In a week's time I start working for my place in heaven; I am leaving for Delhi -- and I am going there on my knees."

"Man, you are crazy! It's nine hundred miles to Delhi, and the skin will break on your knees, and you will have blood-poisoning or leprosy before you get to Bombay."

"No, I must get to Delhi," affirmed Rambhau, "and the immortals will reward me for it! The suffering will be sweet - for it will purchase heaven for me!"

"Rambhau, my friend - you can't. How can I bear for you to do it - when Jesus Christ has suffered and died to purchase heaven for you!"

But the old man could not be moved. "You are my dearest friend on earth, Sahib Morse. Through all these years you have stood by me in sickness, in want - you have been sometimes my only friend. But even you cannot turn me from my desire to purchase eternal bliss...I must go to Delhi!"

Inside the hut Morse was seated in the very chair Rambhau had specially built for him - where on so many occasions he had read to him the Bible.

Rambhau left the room to return soon with a small but heavy English strongbox. "I have had this box for years," said he, "and I keep only one thing in it. Now I will tell you about it, Sahib Morse. I once had a son..."

"A son! Why, Rambhau, you have never before said a word about him!"

"No, Sahib, I couldn't." Even as he spoke the diver's eyes were moistened.

"Now I must tell you, for soon I will leave, and who knows whether I shall ever return? My son was a diver too. He was the best pearl diver on the coasts of India. He had the swiftest dive, the keenest eye, the strongest arm, the longest breath of any man who ever sought for pearls.

What joy he brought to me! Most pearls, as you know, have some defect or blemish only the expert can discern, but my boy always dreamed of finding the 'perfect' pearl - one beyond all that was ever found. One day he found it! But even when he saw it - he had been under water too long... That pearl cost him his life, for he died soon after."

The old pearl diver bowed his head. For a moment his whole body shook, but there was no sound. "All these years," he continued, "I have kept this pearl - but now I am going, not to return, and to you, my best friend - I am giving my pearl."
The old man worked the combination on the strongbox and drew from it a carefully wrapped package. Gently opening the cotton, he picked up a mammoth pearl and placed it in the hand of the missionary.

It was one of the largest pearls ever found off the coast of India, and glowed with a luster and brilliance never seen in cultured pearls. It would have brought a fabulous sum in any market.

For a moment the missionary was speechless and gazed with awe. "Rambhau! What a pearl!"

"That pearl, Sahib, is perfect," replied the Indian quietly. The missionary looked up quickly with a new thought: Was not this the very opportunity and occasion he had prayed for - to make Rambhau understand the value of Christ's sacrifice? So he said, designedly, "Rambhau, this is a wonderful pearl, an amazing pearl. Let me buy it. I would give you ten thousand dollars for it."

"Sahib! What do you mean?" "

Well, I will give you fifteen thousand dollars for it, or if it takes more - I will work for it."

"Sahib," said Rambhau, stiffening his whole body, "this pearl is beyond price. No man in all the world has money enough to pay what this pearl is worth to me. On the market a million dollars could not buy it. I will not sell it to you. You may only have it as a gift."

"No, Rambhau, I cannot accept that. As much as I want the pearl, I cannot accept it that way. Perhaps I am proud, but that is too easy. I must pay for it, or work for it..."

The old pearl-diver was stunned. "You don't understand at all, Sahib. Don't you see. My only son gave his life to get this pearl, and I wouldn't sell it for any money. Its worth is in the life-blood of my son. I cannot sell this - but I can give it to you. Just accept it in token of the love I bear you."

The missionary was choked, and for a moment could not speak. Then he gripped the hand of the old man. "Rambhau," he said in a low voice, "don't you see? My words are just what you have been saying to God all the time."

The diver looked long and searchingly at the missionary, and slowly, slowly he began to understand. "God is offering you salvation as a free gift," said the missionary. "It is so great and priceless that no man on earth can buy it. Millions of dollars are too little. No man on earth could earn it. His life would be millions of years too short. No man is good enough to deserve it. It cost God the life-blood of His only Son to make the entrance for you into heaven. In a million years, in a hundred pilgrimages, you could not earn that entrance. All you can do is to accept it as a token of God's love for you - a sinner.

"Rambhau, of course I will accept the pearl in deep humility, praying God that I may be worthy of your love. Rambhau, won't you accept God's great gift of heaven, too, in deep humility, knowing it cost Him the death of His Son to offer it to you?"

Great tears were now rolling down the cheeks of the old man. The veil was beginning to lift. "Sahib, I see it now. I have believed in the doctrine of Jesus for the last two years, but I could not believe that His salvation was free. Now I understand. Some things are too priceless to be bought or earned. Sahib, I will accept His salvation!"

(03/10/2011, taken from http://www.gospelweb.net/Illustrations/TheMatchlessPearl.htm)

Often in lives, we tend to do our best, work our hearts out, fight and strive for a better future, for a better life... Often also in serving our Lord, we thought we can give our all to Him, to repay what He has done for us, to "buy" back the gift He has given to us... And many at times, we are so "fire up" to serve Him, do be in the committee in CF or in other CF events, to be involved in almost everything, because we say we want to give Him back and repay what He has done, to "serve" Him... maybe not we, but at least for me... And in the mist of all this "serving", we have forgottten the very meaning of salvation, of what it takes to be saved.

8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9 not by works, so that no one can boast. Ephesians 2:8-9

5 he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy.  Titus 3:5

SO, does it mean that we shouldn't do anything to serve Him? We shouldn't do anything to share His love? We shouldn't do anything to spread His word? Hmm...

On the other hand, this GIFT is not like a movie ticket but an air ticket... A movie ticket after buying it, you are ensured to have a seat in the cinema to watch and finish the movie... An air ticket after buying it, you are ensured to reach a certain destination but not certainly a smooth ride... During the journey, there might be storms, thunder or turbulence and all we can do is to fasten our safety-belt and trust in the pilot's ability to land us safely... Sounds familiar?! Have a blessed week ahead! God bless..

Newly hired,
Chang En =P
Sport and mission

Just now when i waiting for my church mates to go play futsal and i ride motor around to kill my time, suddenly i pass by Football Association Malaysia (FAM) and saw many people wear Malaysia team jersey and walk toward FAM field, so i also ride over and take a look. I walk around and ask someone, find out that is friendly match between Malaysia senior team and junior team.

Here is few things i want to share,

1st of all, if im not mistake, i am the only chinese there?no others chinese there...then i recall back last time our Malaysia team have chinese player in the team, and they even play better than many country and win many matches. I dint say the team need chinese only can win, but during last time no matter is what races like malay, chinese, indian and etc. also will support Malaysia football team. because i really believe that sport can unite everyone, no matter what races or religion. I pray to God that in Malaysia no matter is what kind of sport, everyone will take part and be united to support our "BOLEH" land together!

On the other hand, i find out that everyone only will cheer after GOAL, and say Aiyo / Haiz when the ball is not goal....ya,i know this is normal. In this world, everyone only want the outcome and never border about the process, you and me also the same, very often that we forget to encourage others during the process, the worst we even scold or say bad thing when the outcome is not what we expect. Why not we try to involve during the process by keep encourage each others? words are powerful to give life or kill others. Do u agree with me?
By saying "good try,u almost there." to someone when they need. In return, they have the strength to accomplish and return you a big smile and hug!

1 Corinthians 9:25-27
“All athletes are disciplined in their training. They do it to win a prize that will fade away, but we do it for an eternal prize. So I run with purpose in every step. I am not just shadowboxing. I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should. Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others I myself might be disqualified.” (NLT)

Sport and mission~
Sport also can serve God, I believe this! just like the verse mention if we do it to win a prize,  that will be fade away. but i here to encourage all of you who do it for the eternal prize, God appreciate and cherish ,He will give us the eternal prize! with the right purpose that God give us, we can be a Different and Godly athletes. one thing i find it very difficult is "training". in the training process, God want to disciplined us and there is no easy way or short cut for training. So please be serious in every training, and never shadowboxing!

So allow me to conclude that God also love sport and those who serve Him faithfully in sport,  I respect YOU.

with love,
ray loeng

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Times Ahead

Feel great to spend time with family in these few days of holiday.. Just like to be back in hometown.. Feel relax also at home because no need to cycle out for meals and everything needed are there.. But sometimes just over relax.. and forgot to do things that I should do like spending more time at home. =/ While sometimes do certain things more than the time it should be.. hmm.. have to learn spend time wisely and remind myself because many times I tend to forget those things I should do at that time. Need to be better in managing time and be alert because our lives is so brief compare to internal.
Ohya..  going off soon to Muar for internship. A bit worry, excited and there are some uncertainties. Anyhow things are going to be great there.. Yeah!!
And looking forward to meet with everyone in Kampar again.. : ) See you everyone..

Ah Yao 

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Meaningful Days

Reached home for 4 days.....not as busy as in eventful compared to past holidays....
went to school sports day, enjoy the fun with students.......
then was KURUNG at home for 3days doing transcription and translation...... supposedly go out meeting friends, go see students, go out.....as long as i am out doing something.
but during the tensed up period of the 3DAYS of transcription and translation......really felt dry and tired......
worked till 2am and woke up at 6am to continue...it happened for 2days...
but was hoping to finish on time......in the end took more time than i expected but God still gracious and i finished earlier than i expected at the very last minute......prayer works well when we do our part!!

LESSON OF THE DAY: The LORD is my strength  and my shield; my heart trust in HIM, and HE helps me. Psalm 28:7

servant of HIS wondrous work > <
miss you people very muchy...

Thursday, September 29, 2011


The notes I wrote 8 years ago

The time we had with the kids in Sunday School last Sunday in Batu Gajah reminds me of my own Sunday School. I was eleven that time. So I went to flip through the book that I write my notes in when I was in Sunday school. So today I plan to write something about prayer. 

Do you pray constantly? Now, try to think when was the last time you prayed to God? Was it this morning or yesterday or… a week ago? Prayer is very important to us. It is one of the ways for us to talk to God. Prayer is the time where you can really pour out everything that you have in mind and in heart to God. We all know that God knows our thoughts and our feelings better than ourselves. But, God likes it better for us to seek Him and tell it to Him by ourselves.

Philipians  4:6,7 “Do not be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your request to God and the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Praying can be done at anywhere and anytime. Praying is not only about kneeling down by your bedside but it is the heart that counts. It doesn’t mean you have to close your eyes tight. You can pray while you are cycling or…jogging. I even tried praying at the middle of the exams. Spending a little time to pray and ask for the help of God worth it more than just sitting there staring tat the question paper blankly. At the very last minute, I wasn’t surprise that I was enlightened with answers. I thanked God for helping me. Prayers work amazingly. Sometimes, it will be answered instantly. Sometimes, it’ll take years. God knows when is the right time for Him to answer your prayers for everything happens for a reason. All we have to do is continue to pray and have faith in God for the Lord says remain in Me and I will remain in you. 

 John 15:7 “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you”.

Someone reminded me the other day that we, Christian should always practice P.U.S.H.


So, brothers and sisters in Christ,let us continue to have a prayerful heart and PRAY!

With love,