[2 timothy 2:2]

[2 timothy 2:2]

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Available Christians

When we say Christians In Action, many of us will have the thought that we should equip ourselves fully before we can be in action. A simple example like when we want to share to our friends about God, we feel that we do not know the bible enough to be ‘qualified’ to do so. We are afraid that we might do or say the wrong things. How many do not dare to take up leadership roles because we feel we are not ‘qualified’? We feel that we have so much more to learn and that we should know more and experience more before we take up the role.

 I believe it is not wrong that we want to have the best skills, knowledge and all before we are in action. However we should not limit ourselves and not dare to move out of our comfort zones. Think about Moses, God told him the great many things He was going to do and what Moses should do.

Exodus 4: (NLT)
Then Moses said to the LORD, “O my Lord, I am not an eloquent man, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant, for I am slow of speech and slow of tongue.”
The LORD said to him, “Who gave a mouth to man, or who makes a person mute or deaf, seeing or blind? Is it not I, the LORD?
So go now, and I will be your mouth and I will teach you what you must say.

Moses was very unsure of himself and not confident but when he allowed himself to be used God could do his work through him. Sometimes we do not need to think so hard. We do not need to plan out everything we want to do or say when we share or anything else. Even simple sharing in CG. I remember I used to not speak up because I was afraid I might give the wrong answer or that people may not like it. Before my turn comes I will plan out everything I want to say in proper ‘canggih-ish’ sentences.

God is looking for people who are willing to go the distance and available. There are many Christians. Yes. But there are not many AVAILABLE Christians. Many Christians are Christians during their own convenience. If we are busy we do not do this or that because we are busy. Wait till we are free then yes we can do it. It should not be like that. We should always be available. It’s like in one phone ring we have to answer, pack our bags and ready to leave. God will all us to do things. But He will never put us in a situation we cannot handle. He will not harm us beyond repair. He will be there every step of the way even if it doesn’t feel like it.

Let us remember that we are not living for now. We are not living for this world. We are living for eternity. Our rewards are all in heaven. Always remind ourselves that everything we have all the skills, talents, etc are all from God. He can take it back anytime he wants to.

We can never imagine what we can learn from even the daily things. I remember the first time I heard of the word Tsunami. That was in year 2003 which was before the incident in 2004. It was at youth camp where the group names were names of natural disasters and my group was named Tsunami. We had no idea what it was except that it was some Japanese name. so we rhymed our group cheer with all the wasabi and Japanese words that we knew. Suddenly the following year Tsunami hit Penang and it wasn’t a new unknown word to me.

I know it is not really related and has no proper ending, but it just shows how God’s plan is always beyond out imagination.

CIAs, let us not limit ourselves and start leaning and allowing change. Once in a while take a peak into your past and you will see how much you have grown. We should not be afraid to step out and be bold but we should not be at the other extreme that we do too much until we forget ourselves. We will never know everything. It is not humanly possible. Always be ready to learn and willing to change. Think about a doctor, he may be the best student but he will never know what it is really like until he starts practicing. A teacher will never learn how to handle a class until he really does so. A soldier can get all the brutal training but he will never know the real experience in the battlefield until he goes there. 

Let us be available and ready to serve no matter when. Do not be afraid for the Lord is with us always. We have the staff of God in our hands. Take a bold step and tell God that you are available and that you are His. Be cautious. Remember and mean what you promise God as this can be considered a dangerous prayer.


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