[2 timothy 2:2]

[2 timothy 2:2]

Friday, October 7, 2011

Never Alone

Be sure of this: 'I am with you always, even till the end of the age.'
Matthew 28:20

Hello everyone. 

I'm not sure if any of you have heard about Dr. David Livingstone, a world-renowned explorer and missionary to central Africa. In his 16 years of sharing the gospel across central Africa, he had earned the respect of many of the African people, but he had also suffered some thirsty bouts of burning fever, untold attacks by savages, and a left arm crushed by the jaws of a lion. Dr. Livingstone once wrote that he 'felt much turmoil of the spirit' because of the new threats in his life, even by the people of the region he loved so dearly. Still, his dedicated missionary continued the work for almost two more decades until his death. It was written in his journal what gave him that courage, wasn't his own determination; it was God's promise. And for David Livingstone, knowing he was not alone in this world, made all the difference.

As many of you know, back in April-May, I went for a holiday to the United Kingdom and visited a few countries in the Europe. Those were just wonderful wonderful times and I thank God for making it possible. It was always my dream to visit the UK and my mum made it possible for me by sacrificing her own holiday to give me one that I have long desired. My mum works as a stock broker and its not easy to take a day off so this trip was planned with my cousin. However due to work commitments, my cousin had to forgo the trip and off I was on my own visiting the white land for the very first time.

As excited as I can be, I was still scared and skeptical at the beginning. Travelling on my own meant I needed to be extra cautious and extra alert. Just the thought of that sent shivers down my spine. I was scared. What if I lose my passport along the way, what if I needed to go to the toilet and there was no one to take care of my luggage, so many what if kept popping up in my head. Then it was time for me to leave, my mum wasn't there to send me off at KLIA. She only managed to call me minutes before I boarded the plane and told me,
'Do not be afraid baby, enjoy your trip, it was one you have always long for, enjoy yourself to the fullest. Most importantly, remember you are not alone on this trip, God is with you all the way.'

And now, as I'm sitting here thinking about what my mum told me, just the thought of it is so comforting. God is with me all the way, what is there for me to fear. And even in His word, it says, I am with you always, even till the end of the age. If I lost my passport, God will make it possible for me to relocate it. If I needed to attend to nature's call, God will send a samaritan to look after my luggage. And so, with just those assuring words my mum placed in my ear, and God's words pinned to my heart, even though I went for the trip alone, I never for a moment felt alone. God was with me all the way. And He is still with me now. And will always be with me. He will never leave me nor forsake me!

So, friends, I want to encourage you to not feel alone, even if at times, people around you forsakes you, God never will. Our God is a God of love and He just wants to gives us all the love He can. In the midst of a multitude we maybe just like a grain of sand in the seashore, we maybe just another person, another number. But God knows us. He knows us by name and we are special to Him. He loves us so dearly that He will always be with us, till the end of the age.

Love, Carmen Lai


Och said...

Nice Share, such daring expedition hoho :)

-Eric Ong-

carmen said...

Hahaha! It was a good one =D