[2 timothy 2:2]

[2 timothy 2:2]

Friday, April 9, 2010

Week 12 - Bible Study

In the first bible study this semester, we learnt to walk the talk. The second bible study taught us to handle trials, and to differentiate between temptations, which we need to flee from. The third taught us to take up responsibility of our own actions, and to choose to glorify God and no longer sin against Him.

However, have we wondered what is that 'talk' that we are trying to walk? What is that which we want to stand firm in? What are we fleeing from? How should we glorify God?

James 1:23-25 tells us that the law of God, the perfect law that gives freedom, is like a mirror. A mirror helps us reflect, to realize what is wrong with our face. It shows us the pimples on our face which we thought was smooth and unblemished. God's word helps us to check ourselves. On the other hand, a mirror also helps us to remember what is good and beautiful in God's sight. It helps us gain our identity in Christ, if only we look intently into the mirror and not forget after walking away.

Our walk with God is like being on a treadmill. Once its on, we either go forward, or let the machine pull us back. We need to constantly walk forward, to read His word, desire His presence, be with other treadmill users to encourage each other.

In this light, let me encourage all of us, including myself, to cultivate a strong personal time with God. Desire to know Him, not just facts about Him. Desire to hear from Him, and not just let it be a one sided blabber from ourselves. Desire also to encourage other similar minded people towards love and good deeds, for He is the one who first showed love for us to model upon.

Let us all grow as a CF, for the CF is only as strong as each and everyone of us. The global body of Christ is only as strong as each and everyone of us. Let's do this!

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