[2 timothy 2:2]

[2 timothy 2:2]

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Brothers and Sisters,
For those of you who’ve missed the earlier announcement during our weekend Week 12 meeting here it is:
In the New Testament church that was led by the apostles, there were basically three kinds of regular meetings that the believers gathered together to take part in:
1) The breaking of the bread and the wine, to remember the Lord.
2) Prayer meetings and,
3) Meeting together to study the word.
If we accept that searching the Word of God is not a thing that can be separated from any Christian or any Christian community (which is what we are), then we are faced with the realization that just maybe, the word of God has been something that has been neglected?

Of course, you might ask, why do we need to have Bible Study, if we already have Bible study in churches? Here we have maybe 5 reasons:
1) Free from denominational bias?
2) Since all of us will be running and leading it, the responsibility will be a great learning experience, rather than just going to Bible Study to receive and receive.
3) It is an essential form of fellowship (we are a Christian Fellowship!)
4) We are university students!
5) We can invite our friends who are yet to know Christ – this is not an activity under the banner of a “church” – but a friendly group.
Perhaps the most important thing is perhaps that we want to make this into a culture and a way of life rather than a programme that we sort of have to do out of obligation or anything. Read Psalms 119 and see how they long for the word of God! 
So how do we get started? Here are five questions that have maybe crept up in your mind:
1)      What exactly are we going to study?
2)      How are we going to study?
3)      How often do we study?
4)      Where do we study?
5)      Who will lead these studies?
As a student driven Bible study, this will ALL be up to how God leads us as a group. I will simply be acting as a coordinator, while ANYONE who has the passion and desire can just contact me, and we will talk.
Just email me at ilikesaikang@gmail.com and tell me
1) That you’re interested and
2) What topics you think we should study/what direction do you think we should take and
3) Why you think so.
In a sense, I could’ve just gone out and arrowed people that I would want to join and take responsibility in this, but I felt that it is not right to first do that, because this should be an open invitation for all Christians who want to take up this role in the building of His church here in UTAR and Kampar.
It’s very risky in a sense that maybe nobody will respond (so far, only one brother has expressed commitment) but I believe that the Spirit will lead if it is His will. After all, this is not my work, or your work, or even our work – it is His work.
In Christ alone,
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom,”
-Paul’s letter to the Colossians.

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